
Growing up in Mexico, my first job was an Electrician. My hobbies are anything outdoors, fishing, rafting ATV’s. My favorite vacation spots are Mazatlan and Hawaii. My hidden talent is I can speak Spanish, having a really good shot with a rifle and can play the piano. The super power I would like to have the most is the ability to fly.


Midwest boy - born in Oshkosh, WI. As a wee little boy I started washing dishes at a restaurant. My hobbies are skiing, boating, camping and wood working. Favorite vacation spots are Croatia & Hawaii. Super power that would be fun is to become invisible. Hidden talent - I can play the radio …. can you?


I grew up on the amazing island of New Zealand. Of course my favorite favorite vacation spots would be going back home - Western Samoa & New Zealand. My first job in Alaska is at Mountain Tops. I love to draw and work on cars in my spare time. I would like to clone myself as a super power.


Born and raised in Alaska, about 100 miles east of Anchorage. My first job was to feed and water horses, rabbits and chickens. I love fishing in my pack raft in the summer but my favorite vacation spot is Hawaii. My hidden talent is a secret, and the super power I would like to have is the ability to fly.


Anchorage, Alaska been home for all my life. My first job as a teen was in the restaurant industry at Wendy’s. I like to go hiking and fishing in Alaska & my favorite vacation spot is Homer. No talents listed, - (the beard is impressive). Super power I would want, definitely SPEED!


Home grown in Anchorage, Alaska. My first job was was working in remodeling homes. I like to play sports and outdoor lawn games. Washington State & Hawaii are my go to vacation spots. No talents listed- (lifting heavy things do come easy.) If I were to have super powers, I would want to teleport.


Grew up in Monroe, Washington. My favorite vacation spots are Hawaii and Las Vegas. My hobbies are making stone/rock necklaces and creating Halloween decorations, statues and anything creepy. My first job was house cleaning & gardening. Super power I would want most would be fire power!


Grew up in Anchorage, Alaska (reppin’ West side). My first job was working at NWAB school in Kotzebue. My hobbies are any sorts of crafting, especially beading and sewing. I also love to play softball. Favorite vacation spot - Hawaii. Hidden talent is I can climb tress. Super power I would enjoy having, night vision.


Home grown in Anchorage, Alaska - I like hiking, skiing, kayaking and painting. My favorite vacation spot is beautiful Montana. My first job was at my parents business. Super power I would like to have is teleportation.